Andorid App Development

Collaborate with an experienced team to create a stunning, high-functioning, and top-notch Android mobile app.

Choose a development partner who is committed to your long-term success.


Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you build the perfect Android app for your business.

Do not waste time building your own Android app development team. Start working on your Android project right away with Kodzyn, a world-class Android app development company established in 2011.

Our experienced team specialises in creating customised and scalable apps for Android devices, including smartphones, tablets, and Android TVs. We offer complete, end-to-end, full-stack Android app development services. Try us for a risk-free 2-week trial and retain the rights to your code if you cancel the partnership.

Collaborate with a dependable and long-term partner to build your Android app.

Kodzyn is a leading Android app development company that specialises in custom software development for mobile and web apps. We have a team of expert Android app developers with a wealth of experience in creating innovative and user-centric mobile apps. We ensure that our apps are seamlessly integrated with the Android platform.

kodzyn digital product
kodzyn ui design

Visual Design – Motion Designs

Finalize the look and feel of your app. This includes choosing fonts, colors, icons, shapes, buttons, screen elements sizes and proportions, and illustrations.Enliven your app with eye-catching animations and smooth screen transitions.

About Us

Get what you need, the way you need it.

Custom App Development
Web Application
Custom API
Web Services


We can handle the entire web app development process for you.


Identify the objective, develop a workflow, and determine the cost.


Work with our UX Designers to create a visual prototype of your app.


There are a variety of tools available to help you develop mobile apps. Choose the tools that are right for your project and your team.


Design for delight by creating experiences that are both functional and enjoyable.


Join the team and help us create a high-quality app using the Scrum methodology.


Ensure your app is always up to date with the latest security patches and bug fixes.

Pull Request

A developer announces a new code feature to the team.


Continuous integration runs automated checks.

Code Review

The code is validated by other developers

Merge Code

The app is built and deployed to a beta distribution for testers or clients using CI.

Manual Tests

The app is put through a manual testing process by QA specialists.

Sprint Plan

A short meeting for the Development Team to synchronise activities and create a plan for the next 24 hours

Daily Scrum

The daily scrum is a 15-minute meeting that the development team holds each day during a sprint.


Sprint refinement is an agile practice that helps teams to clarify and prioritise the work that will be done in the next sprint


A sprint review is a meeting held at the end of each sprint in agile development.


The purpose of the sprint retrospective is to inspect how the sprint went, identify any areas for improvement, and make plans to improve the process for the next sprint.


Give your customers the convenience of using your app on their Android devices.




Android Watch

Android TV

Android Auto

Ready to grow your business?

Contact us or mail your requirements at
[email protected]
